C++20 Iterators In-depth
I’ve found it surprisingly difficult to locate a good summary on modern C++ iterators, so I took some of my spare time to try and provide one complete with some simple examples. I hope you find it useful!
Complete code examples that you can actually compile can be found on the GitHub gist associated with this post.
What is an Iterator?
Simply put: An iterator points to the location of a single element within a larger collection.
Verbosely put: it abstracts away a set of cursor-like information into a highly cohesive object that can be used to traverse a collection and access its elements.
The iterator abstraction allows us to write algorithms that can operate on a collection as long as that collection satisfies certain properties. Things like sorting, finding a maximum value, and reducing are easier to implement generically when they use iterators.
Traditional C++ Iterators
Iterators have been around since before C++11 (what we might call “modern C++”), but they really hit mainstream after C++11 came out. While the Standard Template Library (STL) containers all implement their own iterators, it is possible for developers to create iterators for their own custom collections.
In the past you implemented iterators with the help of tagging.
With tagging, you define some types with specific names for your custom iterator, then the STL would perform some compile-time checks to read these types and determine whether or not your custom iterator satisfied all the requirements of the algorithm.
For example, an iterator over a custom array-like sequence of elements might have tags that look something like this:
#include <iterator>
template <class T>
struct Iterator {
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using value_type = T;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = T&;
// ...rest of iterator implementation here
Then, algorithms in the STL would make sure the type of iterator_category
a tag that supported their operations. For example, std::sort
would check
for std::random_access_iterator_tag
Modern C++ Iterators
While tagging still works, it puts extra requirements on the developer.
You have to remember the five type names above and use the proper tag for your iterator. You also have to make sure that you implement the correct methods on your iterator type for that tag.
If you don’t, the compiler errors you get are not always intuitive.
If you know, you know 🙃
C++20 introduced constraints and concepts (often referred to simply as concepts). Thanks to concepts, we can now implement iterators based on their behavior rather than their identity. This is often referred to as “duck typing”: if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it’s a duck.
With this new feature you can use the concept
keyword to define the
requirements a template parameter must satisfy.
Fortunately, we don’t have to try and define the iterator concepts ourselves. The STL ships with the following fundamental concepts for iterators:
But before we get into the details on each of these types of iterators, it’s
important to cover one other key update C++20 introduces for iterators: the
Sentinel Values
Sentinel values are used to signal the end of a sequence or iteration.
Prior to C++20, the way a program checked to see if you hit the end of a collection was to compare your current iterator with an “end” iterator of the same type. Usually this end iterator was just a special case of your normal iterator that had some internal state identifying it as the end.
Starting in C++20, you can actually use any type as a sentinel for an iterator
so long as that type satisfies the std::sentinel_for
concept. This concept
requires that the sentinel type only be comparable to your custom iterator type.
This means you could do something like the following where your iterator can be
compared against an empty type:
struct Iterator {
// ...implementation details here
struct Sentinel {};
bool operator==(Iterator it, Sentinel s) {
// return whether `it` is at the end
This let’s us implement custom methods on our Iterator
type so we can query
whether the iterator is at the end, rather than having to compare it with
another iterator of the same type.
It’s a subtle distinction, but it does overcome some of the limitations of a simple boolean comparison of two iterators of the same type.
For some modern C++ iterators, you only need to implement an equality check against a sentinel, but for most you still need to implement equality against the iterator type itself. This is because many of the iterators are still expected to be sentinels for themselves, thus maintaining backwards compatibility with versions of C++ prior to the 2020 edition.
Now on to some examples of duck-typed iterators in C++20! 😁
Output Iterators
Output iterators are unique in that you can only write to them. This means you can only dereference this type of iterator on the left-hand side of an assignment, then increment it, and move on.
Since they are single-pass, you don’t even need to implement an equality operator on an output iterator because it doesn’t have an end iterator or sentinel value to compare against anyways.
Here’s an example of an output iterator that writes to an in-memory vector that grows indefinitely.
template <class T>
class OutputIterator {
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; // 1
T& operator*() { // 2
return _buf.back();
OutputIterator& operator++() { // 3
return *this;
OutputIterator operator++(int) { // 4
auto prev = *this;
return prev;
std::vector<T> _buf;
With modern iterators, the only type we need to tag is the type of the value that represents the difference between two elements in the collection (1).
Then we just define the operations that satisfy the constraints in the
At 2 we define the dereference operator, which must return a mutable reference to the next element in the “buffer”. Then at 3 and 4 we define the pre and post-increment operators that advance to the next element.
Input Iterators
Like output iterators, input iterators wrap a resource or collection. Unlike (or rather opposite to) output iterators, input iterators support the read operation.
Input iterators are also single-pass, but because they are expected to consume a finite number of values they must be comparable to some sentinel value. The interesting thing here is that type of this value doesn’t come into play until you pass the iterator to an algorithm.
In other words, an equality comparison operator is not required in the
definition of a class in order for it to satisfy the std::input_iterator
With that in mind, the following example demonstrates the interface of an input iterator that wraps an in-memory buffer:
template <class T>
class InputIterator {
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; // 1
using value_type = T; // 2
InputIterator(std::vector<T> buf)
: _buf{std::move(buf)} {}
T& operator*() const { // 3
return _buf[_idx];
InputIterator& operator++() { // 4
return *this;
void operator++(int) { // 5
std::vector<T> _buf;
std::size_t _idx{0};
We still have to tag the type that represents the difference between two iterator (1), but now we also have to tag the type of the value the input iterator will produce (2). This helps algorithms do proper type-checking against template parameters, particularly in searches and assignments.
Like the output iterator, we also define a dereference operator (3) and a
pre-increment operator (4). We define a post-increment operator as well
(5), but notice how in this example its return type is void
rather than a
copy of an iterator.
We could have defined the post-increment operator to return InputIterator
, but
there is a reason we may not want to do this.
If you want to invalidate old iterators once they are advanced, then you should
use the void
return type to prevent users from accidentally holding on to
iterators they shouldn’t. Imagine trying to hold on to an old iterator that
points to some buffered memory you were reading from, but that buffered memory
has been cleaned up since then.
Cue undefined behavior!
To prevent this, you can optionally define the the post-increment operator to only advance the iterator and not return a copy to the previous iterator.
Forward Iterators
Output and input iterators are special cases of iterators. They only produce or consume values. The majority of the time what we really want to do is visit all the elements of a collection.
This is where the remainder of the standard library iterator concepts come in.
The first iterator we are going to cover is forward iterator, represented by the
Forward iterators, as the name implies, only advance in one direction: forward. You can’t decrement a forward iterator, and you can’t perform arithmetic operations on it.
The following snippet shows a complete example of a forward iterator that allows us to access the elements of a vector.
has its own iterator type, but bear with me here 😃
template <class T>
class ForwardIterator {
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = T;
ForwardIterator() = default;
ForwardIterator(std::vector<T>& elements)
: _v{&elements} {}
T& operator*() const {
return (*_v)[_idx];
ForwardIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
ForwardIterator operator++(int) { // 1
auto prev = *this;
return prev;
bool operator==(const ForwardIterator& other) const { // 2
return _v == other._v && _idx == other._idx;
std::vector<T>* _v{nullptr};
std::size_t _idx{0};
You may have noticed that a forward iterator looks an awful lot like an input iterator. If so, you are correct. The only differences are at 1 and 2.
At 1, the post-increment operator must return a copy of the previous iterator. At 2, we define an equality comparison operator against the forward iterator. This is for backwards compatibility and allows the iterator to be used in the traditional STL algorithms that need to know whether they are at the end of the collection.
NOTE: Newer STL algorithms that uses sentinels instead of end iterators are part of the
library. This will be a topic of discussion in a future post 🙃
Bidirectional Iterators
Imagine you are attempting to traverse a doubly linked list. This should support
both moving to the next node in the list (forward) and also moving to the
previous node (backward). When we want to be able to move forward and backwards
across our collection, we use the std::bidirectional_iterator
template <class T>
class BidirIterator {
// --snip-- ... same as ForwardIterator
BidirIterator& operator--() {
return *this;
BidirIterator operator--(int) { // 1
auto prev = *this;
return prev;
std::vector<T>* _v{nullptr};
std::size_t _idx{0};
This iterator is very similar to a forward iterator. The only difference is the addition of the decrement operator (1). You must provide both pre and post-decrement operators in order to satisfy this concept.
Random Access Iterators
So we can move forward and backwards, but what if I want to use my iterator to jump around my collection by arbitrarily sized steps? This is especially useful for many sorting algorithms.
Enter the std::random_access_iterator
This iterator supports arithmetic operations for the addition and subtraction of a distance between two iterators.
Here is an example that builds on top of the BidirIterator
we saw in the
previous section.
Strap in…it’s a lot to digest!
template <class T>
class RandAccIterator {
// --snip-- ... same as BidirIterator
RandAccIterator& operator+=(difference_type n) {
_idx += n;
return *this;
RandAccIterator operator+(difference_type n) const {
auto next = *this;
next += n;
return next;
RandAccIterator& operator-=(difference_type n) {
_idx -= n;
return *this;
RandAccIterator operator-(difference_type n) const {
auto next = *this;
next -= n;
return *this;
difference_type operator-(const RandAccIterator& other) const {
return _idx - other._idx;
T& operator[](difference_type n) const {
return _v[_idx + n];
bool operator<(const RandAccIterator& other) const {
return _idx < other._idx;
bool operator<=(const RandAccIterator& other) const {
return !(other > *this);
bool operator>(const RandAccIterator& other) const {
return other < *this;
bool operator>=(const RandAccIterator& other) const {
return !(*this < other);
std::vector<T>* _v{nullptr};
std::size_t _idx{0};
template <class T>
using DiffType = std::iter_difference_t<RandAccIterator<T>>;
template <class T>
RandAccIterator<T> operator+(
const DiffType<T>& n,
const RandAccIterator<T>& i
) {
return i + n;
Whew…that was a lot of additional work 😮💨
Random access iterators are more powerful, but as with anything in software that
is more powerful, it often means more complexity. The code above is the bare
minimum that you must have in order for your iterator to satisfy the
In summary, you need to add the arithmetic operators for addition and subtraction as well as ordered comparison operators for sorting.
Hopefully seeing it all in one place helps if you ever need to implement your own random access iterator over a custom collection!
Contiguous Iterators
The final iterator type supported by the standard library is modeled by the
concept. This iterator does everything a random
access iterator does but has an additional guarantee.
The collection stores its elements contiguously in memory.
Containers like vectors and arrays are considered contiguous. If you had a custom contiguous type like a stack, heap, or ring buffer built on top of an array or vector, then you would be able to use a contiguous iterator with it as well.
The purpose of the contiguous iterator is to allow for optimizations in algorithm implementations. Because guaranteeing this is extremely difficult to do with duck typing, this is the one exception where we should rely on tagging for help.
template <class T>
class ContiguousIterator {
// --snip-- ... same as RandAccIterator
using iterator_concept = std::contiguous_iterator_tag; // 1
T* operator->() const { // 2
return _v->data();
Note at 1 we’ve added a type definition for iterator_concept
explicitly set it to std::contiguous_iterator_tag
. Without this tag the
compiler can’t determine whether or not the iterator operates on contiguous
We also need to add the arrow operator (2). It’s interesting to note that we haven’t needed this for any of our other iterator types. We need it here because the compiler is essentially making the assumption that if your values are stored contiguously, then it should be able to use a pointer to a value in your collection as a type of iterator as well.
Even though it isn’t required for the other iterator types, I recommend you add it to your custom iterators. Doing so will make the API more complete and feel more natural to developers who are already familiar with iterators.
Final Thoughts
Congrats! You survived the fire hose! 🔥
I hope that this summary of modern C++ iterators helps you implement custom collections that can take advantage of the many powerful standard library algorithms that use iterators. Your fellow developers, and your future self, will thank you later for doing so.
Keep Coding Strong!